Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Women are from Venus, Men are from Soup"

Oh Gilmore Girls, How I love thee
         Does that have anything to do with crocheting? I bet you're thinking that right NOW. Answer: Absolutely nothing. I wanted a catchy title. Made you read it. HA HA HA. I’m a blogging, mad evil genius who fails to update their mad evil genius thoughts. Consider yourselves updated dear readers.

I am not quite as mad nor as genius as this guy. Anyone else afraid of clowns?

         Lately, I’ve been tired (by lately, I mean like totally last month). I mean really tired. Like that Carebear, but less cute.

 Way less cute.
           Why have I been tired? Christmas. Christmas may be the time of the year where normal people go out and shop and rack up a large amount of debt… And your right, I am not a normal gift giver. I crochet. I know, shocking. I don’t crocheting everyone a present (that might be considered cheap. Also that would be a lot of work. I’m not a Christmas elf despite popular belief.

 For one thing I might have the height but I lack the pointy ears. Wait a second... his ears aren't pointy!

        I crochet presents for a few lucky (or unlucky) handful. This year it was some kiddos. Okay, and my grandma.

 Grams likes handmade things best. Or does she? Hmm. Ignore how cute I was as a kid. Just sayin’.
And a few friends. The point? I was so tired from all the hubbub of Christmas… I actually slept under a good amount of yarn. No seriously, I did. No joke. Sadly. Yup. 4 skeins of yarn, my thing of crochet hooks, scissors (which probably was not smart but I received no damage from sharp pointy objects), and my triangle panda bag.

(bought from: Schrodinger who is AWESOME. Favorite bag. EVAR. Shameless plug for Schrodinger. You're welcome.)
 It was a full bed. Only a few skeins fell off… and I haven’t found my scissors… I think it’s because I misplaced them. I loose everything. Always. Ask my fiancé. (He could probably tell you many things… like how I refer to him as Fiancé or how I will somehow miss place my crochet hook every time and we have to tear up my workspace to locate it. I assure you that those are all lies…. Even if he looks really honest when he says it). I didn’t have a picture of so said bed arrangement… and so I reinacted it for you! That is DEDICATION dear readers.

 (Note: those are not my scissors. I mean they are… but they aren’t the ones I use when crocheting).

Note: Fiancé would probably also inform you the yarn skeins involved four different shades of green. They were not brown, black, white, or orange. Way to be a party pooper Fiancé. Way to be a party pooper.
  So what did I crochet? Many things. Did I take pictures? No. Why? Because I’m a terrible mad evil genius blogger from Venus. Luckily, I steal pictures from friends.

 See? Stolen. HI EMMA!
         I crocheted that. Isn’t it amazing? I mean the hat. Not the baby. Favorite baby ever. She has competition. I would show so said competition but the picture is a professionally done one and I don’t want to go to blog jail. You’ll have to just take my word for it.

 I don’t look good in orange. The end.
So a couple of hats, a few animals = probably $20 plus a good 20 hours (give or take). Seeing everyone smile at a really silly looking hat on my favorite four month old? PRICELESS. And for everything else money can’t buy, another stolen photo. Eat your heart out Mastercard.

It's a good thing Emma's mommy and I are good friends. I really, really don't look good in orange.
 Tune in next time for: Baby Mobiles! And ... pie?
Mmmm pie...
Want a spiffy reindeer hat pattern? I bought it from the lovely and talented Skiptomyloop. Beautiful.

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