Monday, March 14, 2011

"It's a book... about waiting..."

Okay, besides a few plot holes and what's his name...
I love Sandra Bullock's hair in this one...

     Mobiles take time to make. It’s true. I mean I don’t calculate hours or anything (see "Why don't you...") but they take a lot of shows. They also aren’t as easy to make. Why? Because they need to be coherent enough that they blend together, much like my mad, evil genius thoughts (Mad Evil Genius Thoughts).

    Whenever I do these kinds of projects the first question I get when someone receives my creation is “How long did this take you?” And then I always reply with a “not too long” because heaven forbid I should tell them I worked until midnight most nights and often until my fingers begin to callus and my wrist begins to throb, pop, and then my fingers begin to get that pins and needles feeling. I think if I replied with that no one would take my creation with a smile.

    The planning stage takes the longest. Mainly because I pull out my large collection of crochet books (actually, it’s really not that big… I have bigger files on my computer) and start looking for inspiration. Usually I have a theme. I have to make a list of items that would fit my theme and where I can located the pattern. Then I have to limit these choices down to “The Ones.” The Ones are then sketched out. While I can actually draw some descent sketches, I do not take the time. Mainly because I know that through out the process of making this mobile, the paper will eventually see better days. My mobile sketches look like these:

Those could be anything... really...
     They are color coded so that I don’t end up with too much grey or too much pink or too busy. I plan it right down to the last stitch. Not that you can tell from my sketch. Sometimes I can’t even tell what it’s supposed to be… which is why I always make my list of items on the same paper as my sketch so I can use my fantastic deduction skills (skillz).

       I then spend an endless amount of hours crocheting each creature, making sure that every single one is done to my satisfaction and that each item has a personality all on its own. I have never made a creature that looks like another one. Mainly because I refuse to pin things down before I start sewing. Why? Because it builds character! But mostly because I’m lazy.

      The last thing I do is make the donut. That’s the thing that all the animals get attached to. I think it looks like a big donut. Which makes me hungry. Which always reminds me about how I probably forgot to eat lunch because I was too busy watching a James Bond Marathon while crocheting.

His hair is amazing. Just saying.
      I then have to spend countless hours decorating and pinning (because I learned from Emma’s mobile you really must pin things like this down or BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN) and sewing (and you know how much I HATE sewing blogees).

       The process isn't always pretty and it does take FOREVER. But they sure make me happy. And it makes me happy to see other people happy... and that's all I really need... That and...
Becky, I NEED this. =)
    Until next time my blogees! I will post a fancy creation! But I need to take a shower now! Before I start smelling like... an elementary school cafeteria on a good day!